Zoey's Room

Zoey's Room

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Well I was asked by a friend why I have not updated my blog...well there is nothing really to post. Still waiting, and no news from China yet this month. But I have been in contact with our adoption agency and social worker to get information on what things will be like once we get the referral. They sent me the actual letter that they will send with our referral. Needless to say, I was overwhelmed and a bit freaked out. Its been 4 years this month since we made the decision to adopt from China and started the "paper chase". Therefore as you can imagine, I had forgotten ALOT! So in light of this I have a "to do" list started for things I can do before the referral comes. Luckily I was reassured that we will have a travel agent make ALL our travel arrangements from the flight to China to intercountry travel to hotels, train, bus, sight seeing etc. Pretty much all we have to do is show up to the Charleston International Airport with our luggage (guess i need to get some decent luggage now)and they take it from there.
My first task at hand is to get mine and Ray's immunization up to date. I am good except for my Hep A but Ray needs to complete his Hep B and get his Hep A. This should be an easy task...make the appointment and its done!!
Bye for Now...Shannon

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